Thursday, July 31, 2014

Greening your tiny house

Tiny House (public domain photo)
I love tiny houses! They have so many environmentally sound benefits. From reducing your consumption to saving living space to, well, just about everything about tiny houses is green, isn't it? Still, you can make them greener. Here's how.

You can add flower boxes or....

Growing your own is an economical way to go local with your food sources. So, why not add some flower boxes or trade that tiny house porch for a tiny greenhouse? You could also park your tiny house in a permanent, tiny spot and grow a small garden or build a stand alone greenhouse.


While you're at it, why not pipe the gray-water from tiny house living right to those plants. It's doubly green. It may even be triple green if you consider the water you save, the local plants and your good health, which eliminates meds in the water.

Of course, you can go solar.

It's fairly simple to generate whatever little power you need in a tiny house. After all, you're not lighting up a mansion. You can even use electric, solar powered heat in a tiny house. You don't have room for energy draining large appliances anyway, so why not make that tiny fridge even more ecofriendly?

Building materials can be reclaimed.

Finding used materials is as easy as surfing Craigslist. The bonus to this is that sometimes you can even get them for free. You also use less of everything. So, you can buy the expensive green materials like bamboo flooring and still save money.

Tiny houses are green for so many reasons.

You can easily make them even greener. The ideas above are just the tip of the iceberg. You could have a composting toilet, for instance. And speaking of compost, why not put a tiny compost bucket under your tiny house sink for veggie scraps? The ideas just keep coming if you give it some thought. So, why not make your tiny house a green house? You're already halfway there anyway.

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