Christmas tree decorating the
traditional old fashioned way has always included handmade
inexpensive decorations. The most special ornaments on many family
trees are simply made. Why not make them green too?
Decoupage mosaic for old ornaments
If you have aging ornaments that are losing their finish, why not
decoupage them in a mosaic pattern with old wrapping paper scraps?
Just glue paper scraps on. Let the glue dry. Now, brush with
non-toxic decoupage glue. Presto, you have a beautiful recycled
Decoupage mosaic for old ornaments
Marble and wire ornaments
Recycle old marbles. These shiny gems will make your green Christmas tree sparkle. Simply spiral copper craft jewelry wire around each marble and form a hanging hook at the end. It's a Christmas craft anyone can do.
Gilded apples
You've got red artificial apples on your Christmas tree. The finish is wearing off. Recycle them with a little fresh paint. Simply hang them from your outdoor clothesline and spray them with non-toxic diluted craft paint. Or decoupage them for a unique look.
Recycled yarn ornaments
You can make over-sized string ornaments for your outdoor Christmas trees using recycled bits of leftover yarn, balloons and flour. Dip yarn pieces in flour and water. Blow up the balloons and wrap them with the wet yarn. Let dry. Pop the balloon and your green ornament is done.
Paper mache star tree toppers
Use wire from old coat hangers to make a star shape. Cut an old newspaper into strips. Dip the strips of newspaper in flour and water. Wrap them around the star shape. Let dry. Paint your recycled tree topper ornament any color you wish with non-toxic craft paint.
Barbie angels
If your child has outgrown their barbie dolls, don't throw them away. Barbie dolls make great recycled angel tree ornaments. Dress them in a fancy blouse. Use scrap fabric to make a cone shaped skirt. Spray the skirt with fabric stiffener and let dry. Now you have a green angel tree topper.
Wrapped blocks
Old wooden building blocks and recycled gift wrap become ornaments. Simply wrap the blocks as you would a present. Tie with a pretty bow for hanging.
Permanent paper snowflakes
Recycled paper snowflakes are fun to cut out and environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, they're only good for one season. How about making them more long lasting? Just hang them from the clothesline, spray with clear, non-toxic acrylic spray and let dry.
This is one of the most green ornaments you could hang on any Christmas tree. Why? It's a no waste project. Just bake them, hang them and eat them. Don't forget to make a hole for the hanging string. Save the string for next year's cookies too.
Recycled ornament hangers.
Why buy ornament hangers for your green ornaments? You can make recycled Christmas ornament hangers easily with old paper clips. For green paperclip ornament hangers, simply unbend the paper clip and pull one stem out at an angle. Leftover yarn pieces work too. Just tie and hang.
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