Thursday, December 4, 2014

I am not the queen of green

Not quite ready for that crown yet, but I'm working on it!
I'm not the queen of green, but I do try. For instance, I try to save all my empty glass jars and plastic containers, but I don't always have room for them. I try to re-purpose them all, too. But I have to be honest, sometimes I just don't have the space or even the need for that many re-purposed things. I confess, I have thrown away a few items over the years for those reasons that probably could have been put to good use. I want to do better though. So, Here's a few solutions I'm going to try that might help you too.

I'm now using every used container I possibly can for gardening.

Some might become starter pots. Some might be permanent pots. Some might be used for automatic watering. Others might hold supplies, feed the birds or be turned into bright garden decor. At any rate, garden containers don't have to be fancy, just useful. The plants are the pretty part, right? So, there you go. That's solution #1.

A glass cutter might serve me well in one respect.

I could turn those glass jars into drinking glasses. We certainly break enough glasses around here. So, instead of constantly buying beverage glasses, we could save all those glass jars to create more.

Used plastic containers with covers are ghetto tupperware.

I already know this. And yet, I still buy resealable containers from time to time when my stock gets low. Of course, that's because on my less diligent days, some of those used containers still end up in the trash somehow. Guilty as charged. So, from now on, I vow to do my very best not to let that happen.

I don't expect that I'll ever be a perfect green queen.

Still, with a little effort, I think I can come a bit closer than I am now to attaining that title. At least I have a few solutions to keep usable items out of the landfill. It's a good start for this good enough greener.

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