Monday, August 4, 2014

Creating a green home office the simple, sensible way

Print only when necessary (public domain photo)
Today's global issues make being green at home or in the office a necessity. Traditionally, an office is a busy place. We don't always think about ways to make our office environmentally sound. We're too busy getting the work done. Here are some tips for maintaining a green office without slowing down production.
Print only when necessary.

When making copies, one goes to file, one for each pertinent employee. Avoid making extra copies, "just in case". Figure the exact amount needed. Print that exact amount. Save the document on computer. If more copies are needed, it's easy enough to pull up the file and print another. Be ecofriendly at work by cutting down on paper usage in other ways too.

Keep documents brief and to the point.

Long winded documents are boring. No one reads the whys and wherefores. Environmentally sound office documents are brief and to the point. Outline the major points of a meeting, then explain these points verbally. The longer the document, the more paper is wasted. Keep meetings environmentally sound by sticking to one piece of paper. If no employee signature is needed, only the boss needs a copy.

Use both sides of the paper.

Think of the paper thrown away in an office in a year's time. Does this seem ecofriendly? When done with a piece of paper, turn it over. Use the other side for scrap or notes. Cut it into 4 pieces. Make a green note pad by stapling the pieces together. Now there's no need to buy notepads. Paper trash has been reduced as well.


Once all the office paper has been used to it's fullest extent, shred it. Be sure to remove all staples first. Keep shredded paper for use as packaging material or gift bag shred. Being environmentally sound in the office means using everything to it's full usefulness and then recycling it. If the shredded paper can't all be used in the office, let employees take it home for environmentally sound use as garden mulch or when moving, as a packing for breakables.

Buy only what you need.

Some office supplies are basic necessities. Others are just window dressing. Keep your office green by purchasing only the supplies you need, when they are needed. Sure those cute little matching desk sets are nice but are they a necessity? Purchase only useful office supplies that save time and money. A pen cup is unnecessary if there's room for pens in the desk drawer. Remember where all those items end up when they have outlived their usefulness. Cluttering up landfills is far from environmentally sound.

Reuse or don't use trash can liners.

Plastic is a major environmental hazard. It is likely that your office trash can is plastic. So is the liner. How about forgetting the liner unless there's always a lot of messy wet trash? The most green idea is to go without out a liner. Carry the trash can directly to the dumpster to dispose of the trash. Rinsing the office trash baskets out occasionally is a more environmentally friendly practice.

Reuse shipping boxes and packaging.

The average office ships and receives a multitude of packages in the business day. How about saving the empty packages from goods received? Reuse them when shipping packages out. New labels can be pasted or taped over the old. Another related green office trick is to reuse bubble wrap and other packing materials. If you run out, don't forget about those paper shreds. They make excellent ecofriendly packing cushion.

Avoid the use of disposable dishes, silverware and cups.

Chances are, the break room has a sink, fridge and microwave. Disposable dishes are far from environmentally sound. Stock the cupboards with inexpensive plates, silverware, bowls, and mugs that can be washed and reused. Each person is responsible for self clean up. The average office goes through an enormous amount of throw away dishes every year. If every office was environmentally sound in this area, imagine the amount of waste saved.

Chip in on lunch supplies.

Stock the work fridge with sandwich and salad supplies. Stock cupboards with soups and snacks. Have a variety of drinks on hand as well. Designate one person to purchase these weekly items. Everyone splits the cost. Why is this environmentally sound? Think about all the fast food bags, boxes and containers thrown away every year in the office. Think about all the money wasted on going out to lunch as well.

Do recycle those aluminum cans.

This might sound like an obvious environmentally sound office procedure. Why isn't everyone doing it? It's best to designate someone to take the cans once a week. They can keep the cash in exchange for their trouble or donate it to the break room food supply fund. To encourage this environmentally sound office practice have a special container for cans only. Cut a hole the size of a pop can in the top of a large plastic garbage can lid. Now lock the lid on with the handles. Wrap a chain and padlock through the handles so the lid can't be removed, except by the designated office employee.

This article was previously published by this author on a closed Yahoo! property.

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